Our Organization

About Us

About Us

The organization began in 1953 as the Olav Haavaldsrud Timber Company; it was founded by Olav and Elna Haavldsrud. Having immigrated to Canada from Kongsberg, Norway, Olav and Elna (joined by their four sons - Walter, Burt, Norman and Carl) first purchased a small pulp log manufacturing plant that provided eight foot logs to the Quebec and Ontario Paper Company (now Abitibi). The company quickly grew to include the sawmill in order to utilize larger logs from the Nagagami Forest. The Haavaldsrud sawmill closed in 2015.

In the summer of 2016, the mill was purchased by a number of private investors. The random length sawmill's owners include WRC Timber Inc., the Missanabie Cree, the Chapleau Cree, and the Netamisakomik Anishinabek (Pic Mobert) First Nations.

We take pride in the work that we do at Hornepayne Lumber (HP Lumber) to produce a quality product while caring for the forest. We employ over 100 talented people … and we're hiring.

Click here to view our current job opportunities

Our Mission & Values

Our Mission & Values

We are a community-based venture building its own future. Our mission is to be a profitable, low-cost forestry organization, converting forest resources into competitive and innovative quality projects while protecting the environment and creating positive long term social, cultural and economic benefits for the region and its people, employees and investors. We advocate a non-discriminatory policy as well as favouring the employment of local and regional residents.

Our core values – People, Pride, Integrity, Responsibility, Innovation, and Teamwork – inspire our actions and  guide the behaviour of employees and contractors working within our operations.

We also believe that to be a world leader in our field, our safety goals must include eliminating all injuries, occupational illnesses, unsafe practices and incidents of environmental harm from our activities. We believe that our work is never so urgent that we cannot take the time to do it safely and in an environmentally-responsible manner.

Click here to read more about forest sustainability

Our People

Our People

In the summer of 2016, the mill was purchased by a number of private investors, including Frank Dottori. In November 2017, the Missanabie Cree, the Chapleau Cree, and the Netamisakomik Anishinabek (Pic Mobert) First Nations became significant shareholders of the mill.

missinabie logo
chapleau cree logo

Missinabie Cree First Nation





Chapleau Cree First Nation






Netamisakomik Anishinabek (Pic Mobert) First Nation

Want to get in touch?

Our Affiliates

Our Affiliates

White River Forest Products

100 kilometers south of Hornepayne, Ontario, White River Forest Products LTD is located in White River, ON



Hornepayne Power

Beside the mill in Hornepayne is Hornepayne Power Inc. (formerly Becker Cogen), which was also purchased in 2016.

www.hp-power.ca (Website to be available soon)



Mass timber structures
